Model Group McArthur Gardens

About The Project

TC Architects just completed working with Integrated Services for Behavioral Health and The Model Group to design a new Permanent Supportive Housing facility in Chillicothe, Ohio.  The first phase of the project includes (32) new Permanent Supportive Housing units.  These are all one bedroom units and the main building also houses the support services.  The second phase of the project will include new PSH units and possibly new Workforce Development Townhomes.  The entire complex is being developed utilizing Low-Income Housing Tax Credits administered by OHFA and funding from the Federal Home Loan Bank and Ohio MHAS.

The first phase utilizes (4) of the total 8.6 acre site.  The original site had an old high school and sports fields on it that was abated and removed.

(4) of the units were designed to meet the HUD 504 guidelines and (2) of the units were designed for the hearing and sight impaired.  The project is designed to the Ohio Finance Housing Authority’s Design and Architectural Standards and will be Energy Star or higher.
