Paint Valley ADAMH Board Crisis Stabilization Center

About The Project

TC Architects is currently working with The Paint Valley ADAMH Board and Coleman Heath Services on a new Crisis Stabilization Center in Chillicothe, Ohio.

The Crisis Facility will be 17,000 square feet,  featuring the following main components:  Crisis Center, Crisis Stabilization Unit, Mobile Unit, Intake and Assessment / Clinical areas.

It will have a secured main entry, waiting area with a restroom, assessment rooms, visitation, phone, offices, staff break room, work / copy area, board room, exam rooms, mobile unit, quiet room and sleep room, commons, dining room, shared kitchen with pantry, laundry, eight (8) chair crisis center, six (6) individual bedrooms, bathrooms, medical storage, intake area with EMS breakroom, interview rooms and a shared nurses area.

Anti-ligature design is incorporated throughout the facility, as well as passive security features.  Door access controls and a security system will also be installed in the facility.

This project is being partially financed by the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services.  The day-to-day operational services will be provided by Coleman Health Services.