Akron Zoo Komodo Kingdom
TC Architects was selected to provide full Architectural and Interior Design services for the 35,000 square foot Komodo Kingdom, which is located on an under developed portion of the Zoo’s property. This facility is the Zoo’s showpiece, featuring sustainable architecture and imaginative design. The building’s design features energy saving mechanical and electrical systems and natural…
Read MoreThe University of Akron Roof Replacement
TC Architects worked with The University of Akron to replace / restore roofs and masonry to five buildings on their campus. The buildings are: The Carroll Street Sub Station, Forge Street Sub Station, Computer Center, Gladwin Hall and Guzzetta Hall. Each of the buildings presented different challenges based on the best choice of roofing systems…
Read MoreUniversity of Akron Auburn Science Center
TC Architects provided design services for Phase I, II and III for a complete masonry façade restoration project for the North, South and West Towers of the Auburn Science and Engineering Center building complex. Phase I and II also included the replacement of 325 casement windows and a 20’ x 40’ skylight. With the completion…
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